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Campaign Operations

at $90/hour*

Master the complexities of Marketo and Pardot with our expert Campaign Operations services.  Our services are designed to streamline your marketing operations, offering a seamless solution that negates the need for additional headcount. With us, you can jumpstart your marketing operations without the hassle of hunting for talent or investing time in training. We ensure every campaign process runs smoothly, maintaining the highest standards and optimizing for scalable growth.


at $120/hour*

In our approach to Campaign and Data Orchestration, we go beyond mere setup in Marketo and Pardot; we deliver a holistic full-cycle service. This encompasses the strategic implementation of processes and campaigns, paired with detailed reporting to complete the feedback loop. Our focus is on continual refinement and alignment with your business objectives, ensuring that every campaign is not just executed, but orchestrated for maximum impact and insight.

Web Development


Our Web Development service delivers a perfect fusion of aesthetics and functionality. We specialize in creating responsive, visually striking landing pages and email templates for both Marketo and Pardot. For Marketo projects specifically, we utilize Velocity scripting to enhance your campaigns with customized, sophisticated solutions. Additionally, our expertise includes API integration for both platforms, ensuring seamless integration of your marketing tools into your technology stack.
*Enjoy Added Value: Volume Discounts on Annual Contracts.

Campaign Operations

Wrike, Inc. is an American project management application service provider. A universal, reliable system for project management.

The only cloud-based work management service that easily applies to any business and project, so teams can collaborate to achieve ambitious goals.

MATE has been collaborating with Wrike Inc for 2.5 years. MATE provided campaign operational support and assist-ed with business scalability, allowing Wrike managers to focus on more advanced Marketing Automation Projects.

Web Personalization & Predictive Content Implementation

IDnow is a leading identity-proofing platform provider in Europe with a vision to make the connected world a safer place. Even though they had rich customer data, they were unable to maximize the impact of this to drive conversion, upsell, and engagement as the base Marketo package is only able to personalize landing page content. So they upgraded their Marketo package to include two new modules: Web Personalization and Predictive Content, and reached out to MATE to assist with bringing these new modules to life.

MATE created campaigns leveraging the new Web Personalization and Predictive Content to provide more targeted and relevant web and email experiences.

Lead reactivation program

As a response to the issue of having thousands of cold leads who just “sit there” having exhausted their nurturing flows, ABILITY Network and MATE have created a custom-tailored solution that continuously nurtures cold leads by automatically converting ABILITY Network WordPress blog posts into Marketo dynamic newsletters.

The new dynamic newsletter allows ABILITY Network to re-engage these cold leads with the content from the latest WordPress blog posts with current industry-related news, to preserve thought leadership and to stay in touch with them even if they have previously dropped out of the conversation.

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  • what services we provide and how they can help your business;
  • what approach we use at work and why it’s beneficial for our customers;
  • why working with us will lead your business to a marketing transformation;
  • what companies already use us as their guide to their marketing transformation;
  • which certificates our experts have and why they can be trusted.
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